
Thursday, August 4, 2011

july boys' updates...

Ok, I just received the updates on the boys for July. Once again, Danielle (the amazing girl who compiles these reports every month) has outdone herself with the photos. I swear I have no idea how she gets these boys to sit still and smile - they are so all over the place, this is truly no small feat.

 holy crap this is cute


“Ashley’s favorite thing to do is follow his big brother. He has difficulty keeping up with Mickenson’s fast movements from here to there but Mickenson helps him stay entertained. Ashley is happiest when he is running around with his toddler friends. They love to run in circles and laugh together. Ashley also loves to pass between the legs of adults, run around in a circle, and then pass between the legs again! He is a very active child!”

My agency has started compiling an album for each child and adding photos, letters, etc. every month from the child’s adoptive family. This way they can see updates on us just like we see updates on them. They also said that they taped our photos inside his crib/bed so he can look at us whenever he wants.


“Mickenson continues to enjoy testing his limits. He likes to break the rules as long as someone is around to see him doing it. He often carries a mischievous smile and likes to be constantly on the move.”  Hmmmmm, reminds me of somebody... oh ya, London.

“Mickenson is happiest when he is playing outside. He loves to make art projects for his family. He also finds it funny to play games with Ashley, running away from him, stopping to let him catch up, and then running away again. He is always sure to keep Ashley intrigued and within his eye sight. If Ashley grows distracted, Mickenson will come back to his side to pursue the chasing game again.”

The report also says that the older children are growing anxious for their trips home.  They have seen several children leave with their families over the last few months and have all been discussing when it will be their turn to go....

"The children spend time talking about Frandy’s departure and looking at his photo over Frandy’s sister’s crib in Kenscoff. They discuss amongst themselves that Pothel will leave soon and they tell each other that someday they will all visit each other’s homes in Etas Unis. They are currently learning which states they will all live in. Mickenson was excited to learn that he is not the only child going to Utah. He asks if he is going to go home to Mama and Papa and London and is ensured that he and Ashley will also go home when it is their turn."

Our files are now out of IBESR and in Parquet (the Haitian court/legalization process). Yay. We are waiting and hoping that this next step goes quickly! Then it will be a matter of getting the boys’ visas and US immigration approvals.

Two of my close friends that I have made throughout this process have been able to bring their boys home in the last 2 months (both in Utah).  I am so thrilled for them!!! It definitely helps me feel like there is a light at the end of tunnel. :)

Artwork from Ashley and Mickenson celebrating the 4th of July :)  So cute!

1 comment:

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

Oh, man! The strings on my heart are getting tugged on again! It's so interesting to hear it more from an older child's perspective that is being adopted. They KNOW they are going home and are anxious and dreaming about that. You have SUCH sweet, adorable little guys! Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!

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